What are the benefits of Athlete IV Therapy?

This IV is designed to get as much as possible from the performance standpoint. Utilizing this product before or after a workout would be ideal and give a great recovery boost. The amino acids that are lost are replenished as well as increasing the fitness of the muscles trained.

Ingredients: magnesium, calcium, b-complex, B12, vitamin C, l-carnitine, amino acids, glutathione.

Amino acid complex – It has been well noted that after exercise, amino acids are depleted. Using this general amino acid complex (freamine), replenishing lost amino acids would help with recovery. Amino acids are used by muscles to help sustain contractions during exercise (Essén-Gustavsson).

B complex.

B1 (thiamine) – this B vitamin is useful in glucose metabolism, heart failure, diabetes, pain-associated disease processes and neurodegenerative conditions (Małecka).

B2 (riboflavin) – the cellular energy mechanisms need riboflavin to function properly. Also, this vitamin helps the best antioxidant the body produces, glutathione, function properly (Pinto).

B3 (niacin) – Niacin plays a role in neuroprotection in the central nervous system. It also helps lower cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), and lipoprotein levels. It can increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. It also reduces the incidence of cardiovascular events, helps in premature aging. It has been seen to be useful in neurological conditions. Circadian rhythm is also found to have a connection to this vitamin. Niacin is a precursor to NAD+, which has been studied for it’s anti-aging benefits (Jacobson).

B5 (pantothenic acid) – Wound healing has been found to be increased with this vitamin. Anti-microbial effects have also been seen with pantothenic acid. It improves wound healing post surgery. Studies have shown that when there is a deficiency in B5, reduced cortisol production can occur as well as an increase in pain from arthritis, fatigue, depression and insomnia. It is useful as an anti-inflammatory (Gheita).

B6 (Pyridoxine) – As a coenzyme, pyridoxine is found to be involved in over 100 enzyme reactions. Amino acid metabolism uses B6. Homocysteine (one of the major inflammatory signals related to heard disease) break down is aided by B6. Carbohydrate metabolism and fat metabolism both need this vitamin to properly work. It’s work as a potent antioxidant vitamin makes it useful for the body (Hellmann).

B12 – This essential vitamin is useful for metabolism, energy, fat loss, and suppressing the appetite. It is commonly touted as a great way to get extra energy (Wolffenbuttel).

Magnesium – This vitamin is needed for more than 300 different enzymatic activities in the body. It is critical for the body to make cellular energy. It is essential for the use of muscle contractions, which is why it acts as a potent muscle relaxer. Magnesium also works on blood pressure, insulin metabolism, and cardiac excitability. The transmission through the nervous system depends on magnesium as well as neuromuscular contractions. Since magnesium works on many different systems, it plays a large role in the prevention and treatment of multiple disease processes. Low levels of magnesium are found in alzheimer’s disease, insulin resistance, hypertension, stroke, heart disease, migraines, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and type-2 diabetes. Typically in IV form, magnesium leads to the relaxed feeling that occurs during the therapy (Gröber).

Calcium – Calcium is critical for human health. It is used for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. It has also seen to be helpful in cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases (Li).

l-carnitine – Studies have shown that using this amino acid can lead to increased muscle mass. It also decreases body weight and reduced physical and mental fatigue. It could help prevent age-associated muscle protein breakdown and work at helping the mitochondria perform better (Fielding).

Glutathione – The best anti-oxidant produced in the body. It helps detoxify drugs in the body. It helps the immune system function. It increases the ability of the liver to process everyday toxins. It has been found to be low in many age-related disease. Glutathione has been touted as an anti-aging molecule. Glutathione also helps prevent cells from oxidative damage (Franco).